Monday, February 8, 2010

Tubba's thoughts on the Academy Awards

Today, Tubba observed the first annual snow day/Sen. Murtha memorial mid-day banquet and luncheon. I want to thank Rev. Shawnessey for his beautiful service and kind words. Afterwards, I took Jeremy to the movies. I typically make it a rule never to give Jeremy any ray of hope or joy, but last weekend on our winter beach visit he did a super job of flocking those sea chickens directly into my mouth.

Picture from that day:
Sea Chicken, moments before consumption

Anyway, Jeremy wanted to see 'Avatar.' Wonderful. This is how that experience went down:

Position my electric Jazzy Scooter (mark II) in designated handicap zone of theatre > Put on fruity glasses > Movie begins > Nausea > Headache > Leavings > Flailing > More nausea > More leavings > Officer Henderson says Tubba not welcome at movie theatre anymore.

Here is Tubba's list of movies he wants to see in 3D

1) The House of Sand and Fog 2) Schindler's List 3) 12 Angry Men 4) Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulous

After the movie Tubba and Jeremy learned the Oscars have expanded their 'Best Picture' category to 10 nominations. I'm fine with this change, but Jeremy is apparently a staunch traditionalist. Jeremy was so upset he looked like he had just been 'Muniched'. (If you don't know what I mean by 'Muniched', you are obviously a product of Bush-era abstinence education. Let me direct your attention to a helpful video definition of: 'Munich' 'Muniching' or 'Muniched')


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